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Kougenji Temple

Tenryuji Temple Pagoda that Conveys Remnants of Upheaval

Kogenji Temple has a 600-year history and is known as one of Japan’s most famous historical temples. In particular, a sword wound, said to have been left by a Choshu clan samurai who stayed at Kogenji at the end of the Edo period, symbolizes the temple’s historical value. These sword scars, which were left by the Choshu clan’s military forces in the lead-up to the war, are the remains of many bloody test slashes and are found on many of the temple’s pillars.
The temple is also famous for its beautiful Japanese garden, a picturesque place where history and nature are woven together.

More Information

Address 65, Sagano-baba-cho, Tenryuji, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 616-8385, Japan
Opening Hours 9:00 - 17:00 (Registration closes at 16:45)
Charge Adult 500 yen
Child 300 yen
Contact us 075-881-1232